Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Philosophy, Reader

Manipulation of the Mind

clapping hands dustIn a martial art class, you learn a lot of different kinds of techniques. Some styles or self-defense classes teach joint manipulation.  It is the kind of technique that can be used to control someone, take them down, or hold them in place.  It requires a lot of practice to get it just right because there are two aspects involved, pain and manipulation.  For the person receiving the manipulation, let’s just say it does not feel good.  Anytime the joints are forced against their natural capacity, there is pain.

The downside is that learning joint manipulation is difficult.  It may take several attempts for the person learning it to figure it out; time that their partner would rather spend doing something other than writhing in pain, but that’s the only way to test it.  Try it on your partner.

In reality, manipulation can be a good or bad thing, depending on your perspective.  If you find yourself in the grip of another and you know a few things about how physical and joint manipulations work, you are at an advantage.  Perhaps the momentary pain you induce upon another will be enough for you to save yourself or it will set you free.

I’m no expert on this, but I do know when someone manipulates my joints I am more than willing to let go and comply…and that’s in class with a partner, not with some bully contorting me. If I can learn how to manipulate another in order to eliminate vast physical harm to myself, I’m willing to do it.  Manipulation can work for or against you, depending on your role.

One very important way that manipulation can work in your favor is how you choose to apply it in your life.  There is a negative connotation involved, such as being a manipulative person, and that is not about what I’m talking.  What I mean is manipulating certain aspects of your life for the better.

This positive manipulation involves your thoughts, actions, and reactions.  These are the areas in your life where you need good, solid, applied manipulation to change your state from bad to good, worse to better, sad to happy, thoughtless to thoughtful, loser to winner, ordinary to extraordinary.  None of this just happens.  It is through practical application, practice, and a lot of mistakes that it can ever come to light. It requires a lot of tweaking.  There is no partner such as when you are learning manipulations in martial art class; but, there is the person in the mirror who stares back at you and wants to see a hopeful and positive reflection staring back.

USEThe mind has the most difficult manipulation to maneuver.  In order to coerce it to become what you want it to be, and think they way you want it to think, you must consider modifications of behavior.  There are growing pains when manipulating your thoughts, actions and reactions.  There are moments when you will question yourself and wonder if you are correctly applying the concepts so they work effectively and efficiently.  Have no fear, getting started is all you need to worry about.  Manipulation of your mind is a tool that will lock in your desired outcome.

Manipulation of your thoughts comes before any other because thoughts lead to actions and reactions.  Start with adjusting the mindset and your actions and reactions can improve, too.  Ask yourself a series of questions.  “What do I think about my life, my relationships, and my environment?”  What kind of answer flows?  Depending on the tone, if itis negative, sorry, disappointed, or sad, you will need to cultivate a different perspective.

The simple instruction to change your mindset is to simply talk to yourself.  Be your own reminder.   As soon as you see the negative thoughts surface, you must immediately ask yourself “how can I make this something positive?”  Even the worst moments in your life will offer you this option. Every single moment has at least one positive possibility.  If you have a broken leg, you may see compassion in others and feel loved because they care and are concerned.  If it is raining outside, you may remind yourself that there needs not be sun outside for you to feel good about the day ahead and all the opportunities that each day offers.  If you are told your illness will be debilitating, you can decide right there and then that you will always give 100% effort toward recovery, no matter what anyone else says.  You do not have to believe the bad news that is presented to you. One of my children would not be alive today if I listened and believed what others told me.

Once you understand how to manipulate your mind into something more powerful, you can start to elicit this power in your actions. How do you do this?  Think about this:  What exactly are you going to do with your life?  How are you going to share your knowledge?  How are you going to seek success?  It takes more than sitting on the couch.  It takes more than a mediocre mindset. The martial artist is the perfect example of someone who takes actions based on his mindset.  He needs to first believe in himself, then learn, then implement. He trains, practices, and seeks knowledge and information.  Only because his mind is open and willing can it ever make sense. Mindfulness first.

Step out from the shadows and embrace opportunities.  Get up and do.  Don’t wait. Don’t push it aside.  Don’t allow time to pass without pursuit of your passions through your actions.  It is never too late. Take the actions you need to live the life you really want.

Finally, manipulation of your reactions reveals itself through your mind and your actions.  How you respond to others, or to the trials and tribulations in your life, is so important.  Think about how the fighter reacts in the ring.  There could be chaos from all directions, yet he needs to remain focused and centered if he ever wants to score a point.  He might even get hit before he can figure it all out, but when he finally does, there is no stopping him.

Through the chaos and upsets in your life, remain focused and centered and balanced. No matter what is thrown your way, react with patience and self-respect. Never lower your own belief system or actions to the level of those who try to dissuade or discourage you.  Stay guarded, but never lose your cool.  Stay solid and secure in who you are and let no one diminish or demean you. Manipulate your reactions clearly and transparently.  Like a joint lock, hold it in place long enough so it works, and until you feel the control.

listen1Manipulation is a very scary concept, especially when it comes to joints and limbs to subdue someone or make them yield in a physical altercation.  In life, though, using a process to manipulate and improve your thoughts, actions, and reactions is a positive approach.  The key is to put it in motion long enough for it to stick; to keep it in place long enough that it takes root.

Manipulate, lock, secure, and apply focus in your thoughts, actions, words, and reactions.

I don’t look forward to the next class on joint locks or manipulations for obvious reasons. I do, however, look forward to watching you manipulate your mind, actions, and reactions, in the most positive and powerful way possible.  That is the sign that you are ready to rise above the trivial, superficial, and false beliefs you may have always had about yourself. It all starts with positive manipulation of your mind.

8 thoughts on “Manipulation of the Mind

  1. Happy New Year!

    This is a great post because the mind can sometimes be the worst enemy of all. What the mind sees, the eyes believe, and the heart must feel. So, we have to be careful that which we bring into our lives. We can’t let what someone tells us manipulate us into thinking negatively. If someone says, “You’ll never be able to reach black belt”, or “You’re wasting your time on writing that novel”, the best thing to do is to smile at them and keep on going.

  2. Richard – I think I know what you mean. My Sensei is very controlled when demonstrating joint locks and such – as in an eighth of an inch more torque and I’d be experiencing pain. My own growing experience in reading what’s going on and reacting to minimize my own risk compliments Sensei’s control. It’s a heck of a lot of fun 🙂

  3. Andrea, one of your inspiring posts often turns up on the right day. Thanks. Two things one is that “Stay solid and secure in who you are and let no one diminish or demean you.” has helped me deal with today. The other is a more technical thought which is only part of what you write. Manipulation of joints. I don’t believe there should be any pain (I know, seems odd ) but a sense of compliance without really knowing why. If you act on the point of contact then the other person can feel that in a way that they can interpret and react, but if you act through mind and from a relaxed whole body place then the recipient of the technique (again a word clumsy interpretation) cannot understand why they go along with it but know they must, in fact it becomes the way they want to go themselves.I’m not saying I can do this but think I know people who can. That aside, your post has set me off on a good day. Thanks again

    1. Thanks for letting me know that I was an inspiration. That is so important for me to hear. I’m not much into manipulation of joints, although have done some and had some done to me. I relied on some Internet definitions to guide me in this post and they did mention “pain.” Again, though, I guess it’s just one view. Have a great day, every day.

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