Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Amazing Life

It happens. You have a miserable day. You face a diagnosis. You hear bad news. You feel terrible. Nothing seems to be going right. I wish I could say that none of that happens, or even that it shouldn’t happen, but it does and it should. It is life.

We take the good for granted, but when what is good or healthy or extraordinary is taken away, we miss it with all of our hearts. One of my friends whose husband had a brain tumor sees life differently today as his caretaker than she did just a year ago when he was healthy. Then, they vacationed and saw movies. Now, he can’t remember anything, falls, and can’t take care of himself.

Life changed without warning, without sense. She laughs, she cries, she is exhausted, and yet she is strong. She does not want to quit and does not want to give in.

All I know is that every morning when I get up, I am thankful, even if just for the small things – the things, that if taken away would devastate me. Love, smiles, a loving touch, the smell of the air, the personalities of my children, the ability to write and say whatever I want, to learn and grow in a physical, mental, and spiritual way through martial arts each and every day.

When we face the inevitable, the pain, the loss, it feels like our world is crumbling. But, as quickly as it crumbles we find something that brings us light, and then we know that things are going to be alright. We made it, pushed through, and healed.

What does being thankful really mean? Is it superficial, or is it time to look around at what we have and who we love and open our hearts and be brave and embrace who we are and what we have right this very minute?

Yes, we are strong. As my friend figures out her own way and the changes that have catapulted her enjoyable world into uncertainty, we each face our own overwhelming difficulties and barriers.  And, when we finally rise above it, and when we push through to the other side, we recognize the incredible, fascinating, extraordinary truth.

We are living life and it means something. The loss hurts because we love, the pain stings because we care, and the difficulties push us down because we dream. Yes, we love, we care, and we dream, and that is life. That is amazing life.

Wherever you are in your journey, you are not alone. We have all been there at one time or another, and we understand. You have the positive energy of those who surround you, and that will give you strength for today. Tomorrow, may you be renewed.


Pick up one of my motivational books!

The Martial Arts Woman:

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone:

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