Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Reader, Self Defense

Video Highlights From My Recent Awareness and Self-Defense Talk

Andrea talking 3 ResizedI’ve been involved in martial arts for twenty-six years and during that time I’ve been passionate about helping women understand awareness and how they can be safer in their lives.

Thankfully, nothing bad has ever happened to me and I hope the same for you…but just in case it ever comes up, here are a few things to think about:

Awareness.  Personal Space. Distractions. Motor Vehicle Potential Abductions.  General Tips.

Please watch the video and share it with your family and friends.  Awareness and safety for all of us, women, men, boys and girls, is key.

Awareness is Winning at Life.

Andrea (E-mail readers, click on the link to gain access to the video)


10 thoughts on “Video Highlights From My Recent Awareness and Self-Defense Talk

  1. Great talk, I never took the time to imagine the fear that can come from your personal space being invaded.

    Excellent advice, hopefully no one will have to use it!

  2. A great blog, hope women will take your advise and become aware of their surroundings and hopefully take care and know what to do if they are challenged by anyone

  3. Ossu! [bow]

    First off, thank you very much for making your talk available to the rest of us!

    I can hear it just fine 🙂 However, an issue I’ve recently become aware of is that some people would love to have captions (this includes one of our mutual acquaintances on Google+). I myself would love closed captions for when you can’t get high quality audio when recording away from your home. I have perfect hearing but have trouble filtering out unimportant and ambient noise, so I had to concentrate very hard to discern your words because the audio isn’t up to your usual high standards. I’ve heard closed-captioning pays off in appreciation 🙂

    Again – thanks for letting us see you in action! Keep up this good and important work!


  4. The video played great and I’m excited to see it as I really enjoy your blog, but for some reason there’s no sound

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