Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Kick-Start Your Life

Martial arts and life are parallel spheres in many respects. What works in one often works in the other. Both require  bravery and decision-making.

Being brave enough to learn a great kick and then perform it in front of a lot of people can take a lot of work and effort. And, for the martial artist who is not all that outgoing in personality, it can be a real breakthrough of empowerment.

First, that martial artist has to trust that they can accomplish this task. They must train, practice, and eventually be prepared to execute the task in front of others. It takes some momentum to go from not knowing to fully understanding, and from no experience to demonstrating in front of others. It is a great accomplishment for that martial artist.

Life is no different. Like the martial artist in the example above, it all starts with a decision. The martial artist decided to engage in martial arts, then to learn that kick, then to accept the challenge of getting good enough to demo it.

What about you? Is there a decision lurking? How many times have you simply decided not to do something because of the limitations you have placed upon yourself? I did it myself recently. I decided I was too old to go for a particular new goal.

Why? Why should I think that age is a deterrent to being the person I want to be? Because I allow that to infiltrate my thoughts and I start to believe it. That is a mistake. Negativity will never get me anywhere. So, I decided that I will stop using excuses and just go for it.

It is pretty simple, really. What do you want to do? Do it!

It all starts with the courage to say yes to yourself. Begin to believe in it, even love it. Allow yourself to feel excited at the new challenge. Know that today you may not fully understand how to do it, but after you continue on the journey for a while, you will find yourself stronger and more accomplished.


Martial artist or not, there are more opportunities in life than we will ever have time to accomplish, yet we so often limit ourselves to not doing any! Just pick one. Often you can build on a new start in ways that you never imagined. The only barriers are often in your mind.

I reminded myself that I’m not too old for new beginnings or to do anything I want to do. Certainly there are people older than me who have achieved or  found success later in life. There are many who lead positive, powerful, and lead exciting lives because they continually embrace opportunities.

What about you? What have you been putting off because of some excuse that really isn’t an excuse? Sure, you may need to begin small or with baby steps, depending on your situation. But, that is a beginning and everything starts at the beginning.

Let’s all practice some kind of kick today – like kicking the negative thoughts away – and then we can get started on a new adventure. It’s never too late to work on your dreams and goals.



PICK UP ONE OF MY MOTIVATIONAL AND INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS! – Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone – The Martial Arts Woman
Keep your eye out for my next book:  ****How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program****





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